Rebels at Work

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Game of Thrones Reminder: You've Got the Power

Watching Games of Thrones Sunday I was reminded that we Rebels often have the power we need to act. We don’t have to “get permission” from bosses or the hierarchy within which we work.

Now, back to Winterfell, that cold, dark castle in the north. As the old gang was sitting around the fire and sharing war stories over wine Tormund Giantsband was shocked to learn that Brienne of Tarth wasn’t a “ser” like her male peers. He boasted that he’d make her a knight if he was a king.

Jaimie Lannister chimed in to point out that it doesn’t take a king to make someone a knight.

A knight can make someone a knight.

And then Jamie knighted Brienne. Knight to Knight.

Do we mistakenly tell ourselves we can’t do things that are within our power?

As importantly, are we helping and supporting our peers to claim their power? To act like the Knights they are even though the Kings and Queens have not bestowed fancy titles?

“In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave.”